Just to Prove …

… that I am keeping my word … OR … that I am crazy….

See, I promised myself when I became a Mom that my child would never go a day without spending at least part of it out of doors. I call it, the “No Child Left Inside” program. And when I made this promise, I must have failed to take into consideration that I live in Northern Maine. I mean, February is **cold**, really ***cold***. And even though European and Canadian blood flows trough my veins, I must have also failed to consider that my son is Haitian… and his people have never felt a -20 degree wind chill in their lives.

But a promise is a promise. And I truly do see the benefits of daily fresh air and sunshine. So, Isaac and I venture out every day. Sometimes Daddy joins us. Always the dogs do. And on a rare occasion, we might see a neighbor. Sometimes we venture till we are hungry and tired. Other times we might make it to the mailbox and back.

And some days I take my camera with me, just to prove (though I don’t know to who) that we really are crazy…. I mean, committed!


Jodi Renshaw

About Jodi Renshaw

Jodi is a homeschooling Mom, a photographer, a wife, and a proud resident of the city of Bangor. She spends part of her time working at a locally-owned shop in the downtown area, part of her time homeschooling her favorite young man, and most of her time behind a camera lens. She often writes about adoption, family life, homeschooling, and community.