Defending the Rights of Cows.

Scene: driving through the city – on our way to visit Auntie

Isaac: “Mama, where are the cows?”

Mama: “They aren’t here babe. We are in the city now. The cows are in the country.”

Isaac: “Cows aren’t allowed in the city?”

Mama: (stunned that he understand the word ‘allowed’) “No, Cows aren’t allowed in the city. Only in the country. We live in the country.”

Isaac: “Mama, I wanna go home now.”

Well, I guess if cows can’t be in the city – then Isaac doesn’ t want to be either. Poor Isaac is going to have to get used to the idea that cows will no longer be part of our everyday lives in the city … OR … we will just have to do as Daddy has suggested, and keep our country home as a weekend get-away. Best of both worlds 🙂


Jodi Renshaw

About Jodi Renshaw

Jodi is a homeschooling Mom, a photographer, a wife, and a proud resident of the city of Bangor. She spends part of her time working at a locally-owned shop in the downtown area, part of her time homeschooling her favorite young man, and most of her time behind a camera lens. She often writes about adoption, family life, homeschooling, and community.